
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hey, What's In Your Beef!?

My family and I have always been highly aware of the types of food we eat. We try our hardest to buy organic food and eat a healthy diet. The prices of food these days are so high even when buying non-organic processed foods, the hit your wallet takes when buying organic grass-fed food is absolutely ridiculous. When I came across this article on the website headlining FDA Found Drugs Used in Food Animals to Be 'High Risk', I had to stop and read it. The article goes on to explain how The Natural Resources Defense Council or NRDC, an environmental advocacy group, acquired documents through the Freedom of Information Act showing deplorable new findings of a study the FDA conducted. The documents show that from 2001 to 2010, FDA scientists studied 30 different antibiotics that were approved decades ago, and called 18 of the drugs "high risk" because they could expose humans to antibiotic-resistant bacteria through the food supply. The NRDC says that since then, the FDA has ignored these findings. I believe this article is worth reading because we must know what we are putting in our bodies, and more so we must be aware what we are feeding are children. I find this article interesting because FDA has continued to allow dozens of antibiotics to be used in livestock feed, despite findings from its researchers that the drugs could expose humans to antibiotic-resistant bacteria through the food supply. It is disturbing to imagine what the consequences are from this ten years down the road. What are we really putting in our bodies? I feel like the hit my wallet takes for paying the extra cash for grass fed organic meat outweighs the hit my body takes from eating the alternative.

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